I love large women. I wouldn't date a woman who weighs less than me (245 lbs and 6' 5"). I especially love a woman with a "quadra boob" - that's the roll underneath the boobs and above the belly. I don't want to cuddle with a bag of bones.

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Have you seen Roger Federers wife? Not exactly what you meant but yeah

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I love it when you write. Fatfishing is definitely a thing.

If you look at my dating history and who I plan to marry, I am very attracted to fat women. And I don't mean waist trained, Jessica Rabbits. I mean fat. This does not make me brave.

Pierce Brosnan is not brave if he preferred his wife before or after she gained enough weight to put her into the territory of fat.

I did not choose to be attracted to women or prefer fat women-just am and do. Being fat is not always a choice either (looking at you PCOS) despite the opinions I hear voice by thin people all the damn time.

Treating fat people with respect? The World has a long way to go.

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